Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Boardwalk

I was looking at this picture the other day of my son, Max and his friend, Parker, taken on our Spring Break trip to Mustang Island.

I got to thinking about how this reminded me of my walk, my journey through life. I'm on this path and on that path there are others travelling with me. They may be ahead, they may be behind, but they are there. Sometimes I feel just like the looks on their faces portray. I'm looking up at God with that "What in the world are you thinking?" look. (Click on the photo and make it bigger for a good look.) Other times I'm determined to get on with the journey and I put my head down and go, somewhat determined to get where I'm going.

Sometimes I'm trudging along and the path seems more like a "bored" walk - nothing is going on here. Everything seems blurry and unclear. That's when I feel like I'm not getting anywhere.

At those times I'm wondering "What's my purpose?". I've found those times are usually when I'm all wrapped up in "I" and not "I AM".That's also when I'm tempted to step off the path and into the enticements of the world. Have you ever noticed that? How things of the world begin to seem more exciting than things of God when you're all wrapped up in yourself? BUT, did you notice the sign off to the side there? Here take a closer look...

Ahh, yes, it's out there, evil - lurking and waiting for us to step off the path. The world can seem so safe and, well, fun and exciting and - hey, everybody else is doing it. When we were there at the beach I actually said to Geoff that I would like to see one of those snakes. He told me I'd have to step out there into the dunes to see them, that they weren't going to show themselves to us from the boardwalk. For me the sign was not only a warning, but an enticing invitation to something exciting and edgy. And those rattlers were waiting in the brush for some curious person to take the bait. It's amazing how much I wanted to step off that boardwalk. And therein lies the problem. I am so human. There's a sign warning me of danger and I'm wondering if I can see the danger more clearly if I get closer. Wow, revelation here. Story of my life. Thankfully where I am in my walk at this time I can see that and I choose to stay on the path. But for many years that was not the case. I not only stepped off the path, I stayed off. I didn't want to have anything to do with the "bored walk".

Today I realize that life, real true life and freedom happen on the path, not off of it. And I speak from experience. Stay on the path with me, fellow sojourners. It leads to God's love and power and glory. There's nothing better or more exciting than that. Keep your eyes open and He will show you His majesty.

OH MAN, a cardinal just flew past my window!!! (See what I mean??)


janiners said...

what a beautiful picture! i love how God reveals Himself in simple, everyday moments and sometimes where we least expect to find Him. reading the last part reminded me of one of my favorite songs by Steven Curtis Chapman - No better place on earth than the road that leads to heaven. No other place I'd rather be. No better place on earth than the road that leads to heaven. No better place to be.

I am being encouraged and challenged by your thoughts and passionate love for the Lord. I will definitely be coming back to hear more.

Be God's!


Beverly said...

The "bored walk", that's clever..
Its so is so much more exciting when I don't spend every dadgum waking minute, thinking of what is going on with me. Its really nice that God built us a path, but it is amazing that the path was built from God's own son. The path itself is a monument to the sacrifice our God made so that we could find our way home.Jesus IS the way..
I'm sorry, Lord, when I get so preoccupied with stuff that I take that path for granted.
Thanks for the reminder, Candy, love you.

Clint said...

I was walking in the dunes not to far from were you where and as I was putting my foot down I saw something move. I jumped back and it was a rattler. It definitely was exiting but not in a good way. It ended my walk and I had to go back to the boat. The boat was on the other side of the island and as I walked back every time the grass swayed I jumped 10 feet. I still have the rattle it has 11 buttons.

Scott said...

I really like this post. Great metaphor.

And I'm totally on board (hehe) with the most recent tradition of real-time-bird-reports in your post. I hope this becomes a regular feature.

Beverly said...

wait a killed the snake and cut off his rattle right there? I want to see the rattle...I don't believe you!

Candy..I love our boys..

Clint said...

beverly, i was hunting with a 270 and first try to shoot it but could not see the snake through the scope. so i pulled out my 357 revolver and put 4 holes in it. Next time you come over I will show you. sorry scott i know you are a pacifist.

Candy said...

janine - you're back! and thanks.

bev - Jesus IS the way.

scott - thank you. glad you like the birds.

clint - cool story. i wanna see! you're so macho!