Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The last couple of days have been some of those days where my faith in mankind was tested, and I do mean man-kind. I know I have to keep my perspective since it relates to middle schoolers and they are certainly not fully developed into caring human beings yet. But, I was hoping mine was further up the learning curve than it turns out he is. He broke a little girl's heart and man, I am grieving for her. I was beginning to wonder if I had some residual repressed memory from middle school that I hadn't dealt with, but no, it turns out I just really love this young woman. She has become precious to me. See, here I go again. I do not cry easily but I could go there for her.

I found myself with some extra alone time in the evening Monday when I'm usually busy with my boys and I decided I needed to do some reconnecting. I needed to step into the Light. I've been telling myself lately that joy is a choice. Not that I have needed to make that choice because I tell you, I have been incredibly full of joy over the last, I don't know, 6 months or so. (Interesting. I just connected that with a prayer a friend prayed over me in which they said they just kept getting the word "JOY" over and over. That's the kind of prayer I love to hear.) I have run into so many people lately who seem to have no joy and I want to take them in my arms and pray Joy over them, too. I want to tell them to choose to be joyful, to ask to be joyful. Okay, I'm rambling here. What I'm getting at is that as I was sitting there on the back patio mulling over this situation with Max when I realized it had stolen my joy, that my heart was heavy. I decided to test this theory of choosing joy and literally said, “ok, God, here I am mucked under and right now I choose joy.”

It was at that point I looked over at the trees and saw this:

Intrigued, I got up to get a closer look at which point I got the camera and took these:

My joy was given a jolt. I still have an insensitive self-centered man-boy living in my house, but I also have joy in my heart. And I know my new friend’s joy will be restored too. I’m praying that for her, that her joy would be found deep within herself, that she would be filled with the joy of her salvation and not rely on a guy for it. I know God will bless her. He’s just like that. That’s why I love him so very much. He really does care about where you are in your life and how you feel. He’s waiting for you to acknowledge him and ask. He wants so much more for us than we can imagine. So imagine big.


Beverly said...

how precious...i love it...i admire you for being so aware of what is going on in your heart..
yesterday i was made aware of the fight that is going on between God and satan...one wants to steal my joy and the other wants to bless me with it..it was scarey for it to be so real that I could almost see the sparks of the swords..God won..and yesterday because i chose joy it was one of the most profitable days i have had in a while..i got so much done!..maybe that is why Jesus sent them out two by two so that they could remind each other of that fight and who is victorious...thank you friend..i'm smilin..just like "Happy"...

ps...our boys are beautiful but will be stupid little jerks sometimes...remind me of that when Sam pulls this..

Candy said...

Bev - I don't know what I'd do without you for the next four years. I'm glad God won yesterday.

gracie said...

I love that little animal!!! Wish there was one in my backyard...
Thank you for these inspiring thoughts... choose joy.. imagine big!

Sarah said...

Thank you for this -- pictures of the squirrel and everything. I, too, think I should choose Joy, but somedays it seems so much harder to find than it should be. I don't know that I think to ask for it!

Scott said...

God bless my mom for putting up with my junior-high butt. Good gracious - I was a BOTTOM!!!

But Max has one great thing going for him - he has a mom who expects him to grow into a decent man. And because of that, he will.

Candy said...

gracie - Isn't she precious?

lynette - enjoying!

sarah - some days it is harder. i wonder if that's because we lose our focus and things get so blurred. that's why we need to take the time to reconnect and just "be".

jackvee - good conclusion

scott - ha!!! and thanks.

tms - YES! love you too

for those who care - Max wanted to see my blog today so he sat down and read this. God is so good.

Jeans said...

Candy, I just want to say that I can see in your writing that you care so much for other people. I think that is great, and I thank the Lord when I see that in people.