Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Prayer Request

I have an urgent prayer request. My friend, Rachel Pleasant, has undergone emergency brain surgery early this morning following a seizure, a pretty severe drop in her blood pressure, and passing out last night. When they got in, they found what they thought was a tumor was really an abcess. Her brain is so swollen they had to leave her open. The next 24 hours are critical. Once she makes it through that, they will begin to relax some. They're going to try to pull her out of the drug-induced state she's in and they've said that is very touch and go. We're praying Rachel will wake up and be alert and that there is NO damage to her brain.

A little info about Rachel. She's married to Klint Pleasant and they had their first child on January 1, 2005, Abbey Rae. Abbey Rae was prayed into this world by a lot of people, including our small group from church. We feel like she was a gift from God to all of us. The first few months were very hard as Abbey Rae was very colicky. She is a joy. A few months ago the Pleasant's moved from Abilene to Michigan to be closer to family. We miss them so very much.

You can see photos and get updates at http://klintpleasant.blogspot.com PLEASE PRAY FOR RACHEL. Thanks.


anj said...

Candy - I am holding Rachel in the Light right now, and will continue to do so. Wish i was there to give you a hug and pray with you.

Visual-Voice said...

I'm saying a special prayer now.

steph said...

Candy I am wondering how Rachel is doing. And how you are doing.