Sunday, November 27, 2005

Unlimited Anointing

Today at about 2 pm I'm leaving to drive to Dallas with some friends to attend a conference entitled "Unlimited Anointing". How good is that? It's three days of pretty intense worship and teaching - three sessions a day with a session tonight at 7. I'm really excited about this conference and have a great sense of expectation. There's an underlying sense of wonder and hope that threatens to overtake me at any given moment. I'm not sure why it hasn't yet, except that I don't want to over-expect. I'm trying to hold back so I won't be disappointed. That's been the story of my life. Holding back. I need to learn to let it go. Flow in it. Maybe that's what this conference will be about for me, maybe not. I just know I'm more open now than I have ever been before.

Not long ago I came across this verse, John 3:34. It reads "For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit." Doesn't that sound like an unlimited anointing to you? and a promise? And so, today I am anxiously claiming this promise and looking forward to attending this conference. Granted it will be a little "out there" for me. But it could be time to get out there.

There are 3 speakers at this conference. The first is Bill Johnson, who I totally cannot wait to hear again. He was in Abilene a few months ago and I loved his message along with the way he was so laid back and confident about who God is and what God can do. Then there is Patricia King. I just finished her book "Light Belongs in the Darkness". I loved it. She is all about taking the message of Jesus to the lost. Isn't that what we're supposed to be all about? I am anxious to hear her speak. And the third is Todd Bentley. I'm currently working through a Bible Study of his with a group of amazing people who will also be attending the conference. The study is entitled "The Kingdom School". It has been amazing. Todd moves in the anointing of God like noone else I have ever heard. You want miracles, signs and wonders? Todd is your man. He has an amazing story to tell.

So, you see, I will probably be pushed to extreme measures of trust this next three days. Have I mentioned lately that my word for this year is trust? I find that rather exciting. But before I go anywhere or hear anyone I am praying that God alone will speak to my heart His words of truth and love. I pray for eyes to see and ears to hear and a discerning spirit. I only want to fall under the anointing of "the one whom God has sent", the One referred to in John 3:34. But His unlimited Spirit I am more than open to receiving. I would appreciate your prayers for me during this conference. I feel like I'm attending a continuing education course and I am hungry to learn more.

I'll post again on Thursday and let you know how it went.


steph said...

How was the conference Candy?

Patricia Kings' book is one we have used up here to give us insight into our work with the women in the sex-slave trade.

How cool is that quote from John? Unlimited?! Oh what a great reminder about grace right now.

Anonymous said...

dancing: 2 Samuel 6:14