Thursday, September 27, 2007
Random Thursday Thoughts
I have a million things going on in my mind right now and yet concern for a 16 year old girl carrying scars already looms largest. It's funny how everything else pales in comparison to a hurting young person. It takes me back to where I was when I was 16. Life was difficult. I was beginning to make really poor choices and I didn't really care. It all seemed so hopeless anyway so why not give in to the crowd. This is what I don't want to happen to this friend of mine and to so many other young women (and men) who are thinking those same things even now. How do we reach them? Sometimes I think we're afraid to tell them our stories for fear they'll think that we turned out okay so what's the big deal or that it will give them permission to make the same mistakes. How could we be so far from the truth? I think we need to be really honest. I think we need to not only tell them our stories but make sure they hear the consequences our stories have had on our lives. This sentence came to me the other day as I was driving around and it's been resonating in my heart and mind ever since, "I found myself locked in a prison the world defined as freedom" The world's definition of freedom and God's definition of freedom are not one and the same. He gave us freedom of choice or free will in the hopes we would choose Him. For me the consequences of not choosing Him were astronomical. I've lived them every day, only now God has shown me how His forgiveness covers all those scars. And He has chosen to allow me to speak truth. Heck, He's allowed me to speak! There was a time when I couldn't even do that! There is such freedom in forgiveness! In fact, there are many gifts in forgiveness. There is healing, purity, freedom, love, and whatever else you need. Step into it. Let it overtake you. Let it transform you. Something I heard the other day by Grahm Cooke has also stuck with me. He said, "Jesus' blood is like acid to my sin." Think about that. His blood eats away our sin leaving nothing behind. No sin. In God's eyes we are clean, pure and glowing. I want to see myself like that. I want my friend to see herself like that, too. So I continue to speak of His love and grace and mercy. It is new every morning.
(This photo was taken in my backyard this morning.)

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Candy, your soo right. nothing compares to the young and hurting. My niece has been a strong Christian all of her life ( she is 17) and since my brother died (her dad) she has taken a different road. I want to tell her the consequences, but I hope God holds her tight during her roller coaster ride. I like what you said about Gods blood is like acid to sin. I will share THAT with her!!
Sing your story sister with grace and love!
awesome...glad you are there for her...lots of people in darkness and its a painful place to be..how do we reach them? we come out of our own comfort zone and give them our hand and sit with them...sometimes communicating your own story is just saying man, it sucks and im here because someone else was there for me..its such a holy moment..my prayers are with this 16 year old and you candy..
Great thoughts-I am glad God can use you as one of His living testimonies of grace and forgiveness! I can tell you from experience that what the mainly want is someone to just sit and be honest with them without all of the fluff-they need to know that we do have a choice, that we have all made mistakes-but you learn from them and there is a MUCH greater path to follow!! I know you are being used in mighty ways, and I pray that you will be able to speak into this young lady's life and continue to touch many other lives-as you have mine!! :)
That picture is AMAZING-you should also check out the one on my blog! Love and miss you friend!!
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