Thursday, September 11, 2008

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are

I've been thinking lately about how downright good God is. Just flat out good. And it amazes me all over again. It's been raining here in Abilene. A lot. I love the rain. I love the thunder. I love the way the air feels fresher. I love the smell. I have, however, been proven a wimp. A weenie. A chicken. Monday night it was pouring down rain as I was driving across town to Soaking. Max called me to say he'd just gotten home from football and the water was up to his knees getting in his truck and would I please come home. sweet. What's a mother to do? So I turned around and went home. I was actually pretty glad to at the time since I was traversing giant puddles that were freaking me out. Then I sat at home wishing I had gone on. I felt like I was missing out on something. At home we were safe and comfortable and languishing in front of the television. (Side note: I typed in languishing and then I wondered if I'd used the word properly. Oh yeah. I did. My thesaurus lists "get weaker", "rot" and "decay" as some synonyms and the dictionary says this: "1 a: to be or become feeble, weak, or enervated b: to be or live in a state of depression or decreasing vitality 2 a: to become dispirited b: to suffer neglect" If that doesn't describe television viewing I don't know what does and still, I do it.) Eventually we started bickering among ourselves over stupid little stuff like my peabrained thinking for one thing. And again, I wished I had braved the storm and gone to Soaking because I know that this is the one place and time I find my balance.

So what does this have to do with anything? I'll tell you. This is how I have lived my life. Afraid. Settling for less. There are things I know I am suppposed to do but I shrink back. Yes it was sweet for Max to ask me to come home. But sometimes that's exactly what happens to us in life. We let others call us back into the safety zone, that place of comfort, that place of complacency. There are things I do that I know I'm not supposed to do but others are doing them and that appears to make it okay. On the surface. They're not okay. I don't want to go along with the crowd. I want to be myself. My true, authentic self. And I wonder who that is!!! I have deep longings to do things that actually scare me. All this to say apparently I'm still living in fear. I hate that!! I do not want to live there! The landscape is dark and luminous and I live in the light!!! I am a child of the light! That is where I want to live.

One thing I long to do is write. Sure I write on here and I write in my journal. And that really is enough for me but apparently it is not enough for God. Dang it. I keep seeing and hearing that there is more to be done. I even have a title and a table of contents. How funny is that!! The other day I was at our local bookstore and I actually had a vision of a book I'd written on the shelf. I could see it sitting there. UGH!!! Now you might think I'm afraid of failure. Really? No. I'm not. I would be fine seeing it on the clearance rack instead of on the best seller shelf. I'm really more afraid of success. I am petrified of becoming a proud, arrogant successful person. I'm so afraid I will think I did it - look at me. This literally makes me tremble. And then I think about "languishing". The antonym for languish is "flourish" which means "to thrive, grow, increase, prosper"; which all sound so very good and how we're meant to live. These are immediately followed, however, by "flaunt, display, fanfare, show" which send me cringing again. So there must be a fine line between His best for us and our perverting it. That's the line over which I am terrified to step.

And then I remember - God is good. I find myself always saying this all the time: God is good! And then sometimes I think - that isn't the half of it. And it's not. He's so much more than that, but this time I looked it up and here are some synonyms for "good": "High-quality, good quality, first-class, first-rate, superior, fine, excellent, decent, respectable, moral, upright, virtuous, noble, worthy, blameless, enjoyable, pleasant, nice, satisfactory, agreeable, lovely, delightful, skillful, able, proficient, accomplished, talented, expert, capable, clever, competent, helpful, beneficial, sound, safe, advantageous, reliable, trustworthy, useful, nice, fine, pleasant, fair, sunny, well-behaved, well-mannered, polite, obedient, well brought-up, benefit, help, profit, gain." He is all this and more. So why don't I trust Him?

Okay so now I have confessed my greatest fear.

What's yours?


Kara said...

i would love to see you write a book.
i will have to think on the fear part. my idea of fear has changed so much over the past 2 years.

Anonymous said...

I'm that way too - settling for less. BUT I am letting the Spirit do it's work to get me beyond that. It's still very much a work in progress. God talks to us in many ways - including dreams and visions - maybe it wasn't your vision but God's. Some times He fulfills the visions many years down the road. I will be watching in the future for a best seller by one CG!!!

anj said...

I'd love to read your book too. The spiritual nurturer program I am in ahs really helped me to name my fears, bring them out into the Light of Jesus and let his love soak them. Right now, two of my biggest fears are how speaking what I see to be the truth isolates me from those I love, and that I will not hold fast to my integrity in the midst of what I feel I am called to do.