Friday, November 11, 2011

The Dance

I found this picture somewhere on the internet and something about it struck home for me.  How many people do I walk by everyday and miss the dance?  I am not a dancer.  But I want to dance.  I want to move and flow with the lives around me.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the West Texas Girls Conference.  Six hundred girls from 6th - 12th grade will converge on Abilene, TX.  The theme this year is "Journey".  It refers to this journey we're on and how our stories interact with others and with God.  This is a great opportunity to engage in the dance.

I am manning the Poetry and Doodling room along with my friend Lauren Cunningham.  It will be a blast to see who is drawn in there and what they create when they get there.  There are ten other options for them to experience so it will be a place they want to be.  Plus we'll get to create our own doodles and poetry which should be interesting!

For so many years - especially from 6th to 12th grade - I watched the dance going on around me.  I was the quintessential wallflower.  I know exactly how it feels to be invisible and to wish with all your heart you would be asked to join in the dance.  I also know what it's like to be so desperate to get into the dance that you'll accept any invitation that comes your way.  And it sucks.  I think I'll see things and these young women in a much different way this year because I took the time to look at this photograph and ponder it.

1 comment:

Roe said...

wwoooww, strange picture, but still I like it, nice art.....bravo !