Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More Than Enough

I'm learning that with God there is always enough and more often than not there is more than enough.  I'm starting to trust that truth more and more.
When I was growing up we didn't have a lot.  We lived in a small house that seemed just right though I found out later it was on the "wrong side" of town.  My dad preached at a mission in downtown Colorado Springs.  It was called The Whosoever Will Mission.  It had a neon sign and right next door was a bar.  I have so many memories of that place.  We even served soup out of the kitchen in the back room.  Seriously.  He was also a produce man at Safeway.  One time he worked for Goodwill.  I remember going there and picking out books.  I loved it.  But that's a whole other blog.  

My point is that even though we had little it was always enough - or more than enough.  I remember my mom always worried about money.  My dad would say, "The Lord will provide!"  Enthusiastically! He was always excited to see just how that would look.  

I heard my dad.  

On Christmas morning as we were putting together the meals (see previous post) we had one bag of cheese .  Eight cups.  We added cheese to every breakfast burrito - 80 of them.  There was so much egg filling left we filled up 25-30 "to go" containers.  Every one of those meals we put together had cheese added to it - from that one bag of cheese.  And we had cheese left over.  That is God.  We also had two untouched egg casseroles left over too!  We took them to Hope Haven.  Mark 6:42-44 

Here they are - a bit blurry - our "more than enough".  God is good.  All the time.

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