A wise man once told me that nothing changes if
nothing changes.
Once there was a place. This place was bustling with people in and out all day doing
business. It was a very busy place
full of busy people. They all knew
their importance because, after all, they were very busy. Some of them were busy planning, some
were busy discussing plans, some were busy meeting, some were busy testing,
some were busy reporting test results, some were busy selling, some were busy
buying; and the list goes on and on.
One day one of the busy people realized she really didn’t like bustling
about being busy and least of all having to bustle about looking busy when she
really wasn’t busy at all.
After this realization took place she came upon
another realization. There didn’t
seem to be any real purpose to all this busyness other than to create more
busyness. Was anyone here happy?
Was anyone here at peace? Was
anyone here reaching out and touching anyone else? Occasionally that sort of thing took place and momentarily
the lights seemed to shine a little bit brighter – but then everyone would get
busy and they would dim again. It
became fascinating to watch.
Finally the day came when she wasn’t amused anymore by this empty
busyness and she changed. She said
goodbye and she really meant it.
Several years passed and many changes occurred in
the life of this now not so very busy person. She became calmer, more serene. She worked on issues inside herself and helped her
friends. An amazing thing was
happening. She began to see things
differently. Where once she saw
things in gray tones they were becoming more vibrant, more colors were being
added all the time. Things she had
never noticed before because she’d always been so busy began to fascinate
her. The sun actually rose and set
in vivid pinks, blues and oranges.
Flowers became individual shapes.
Rocks took on new life.
Leaves carried on conversations in the wind. Water laughed and giggled. Animals smiled back at her as she noticed delightful
softness in their faces. Sheep
took on a whole new meaning, as did shepherding. Children became short people with many wise thoughts to
share. Dust suddenly became
unimportant yet rather interesting as it accumulated.
But words were by far the most marvelous things she
discovered. Words could share,
they could heal, and they could bring great happiness or deep despair. Their mysteries were unraveling as she
gleaned more wisdom from their structure and the study of how they could be
used to build up or destroy. The
power these long overlooked creatures wielded astounded her and drew her in to
befriend her. She became more blessed
and her awareness of this blessedness grew.
She experienced many gifts, the greatest of which
was companionship. You see, in all
of the marvels she was discovering there was one constant factor. This Presence was both sheep and
shepherd; king and servant; fullness and glowing emptiness envisioned at a
tomb; Father and Mother; teacher and friend; lover and a firm hand of
discipline; childlike yet strong.
There were many facets, but most dazzling was the faithfulness of this
new center of her life. He was
always there. Nothing she did
dissuaded this Presence from pursuing her which brought about tremendous
relief. She never wanted to be
busy again.
Then one day she ventured back to the busy
place. There didn’t seem to be as
many busy people there but the busy people there seemed busier than ever. They smiled the same smiles. They said the same words. They sat in the same chairs at the same
desks among the same stacks of paper.
The same rule applied – stay busy.
The very air seemed the same and she realized she couldn’t breathe. Once again she said goodbye and ran out the door into the brilliant, warm sunlight. As she ran she said a prayer of thanks for her freedom and a
prayer of love for those she left behind that they would one day join her in the
Nothing changes if nothing changes. We each make the
By the way, I'm not saying you have to quit your job to find this place. I'm just saying that's what it took for me. May you find those moments of overwhelming joy and complete serenity in your life today.
You make me want to forget about school and future plans and just come study at the Candy College! I love your job. I think it's so important. Not to mention the fact that you and God have entirely too much fun over there every day! How could you ever be bored?! Your day is constantly filled with all things of the Spirit. Thank you for your words on the mindset of being busy. I think it's an easy trap to fall into. Definitely one I struggle with. Someone gave me an acronym for "busy" a while back: Bent Under Satan's Yoke. Ever since, I've had a hard time hearing the word "busy" and telling people that I'm busy. I really hate that I give satan that kind of control over me. It's so easy. What's not easy is being still, and perfecting the art of being. It is an art! Busy is not. Anyone can be busy, anyone can walk the wide road. But it takes a change of heart to walk the narrow, to be.
Thankful for your words and friendship. Love you.
This is wonderful. For the past year I've been learning this same lesson and reading this made me realise how far I've come.
I love the bit about the sunsets and sunrises and the shape of flowers and the conversation of the leaves...
Thankyou for sharing this.
I'm going to read more of your posts now. I think we see the world in a similar way.
God bless you.
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