I am obsessed with Geoff and Max. I am obsessed with solitude. I am obsessed with my friends, sheep, clouds, sunrises and sunsets, flowers and dirt, birds in the backyard and the songs they sing, blogging which I justify as relational, blogging friends, my small group, crossword puzzles which I justify as exercising my mind, young people and where they are right now, what they're going through and how to reach them, the number 29 and scripture - the words of God.
But today I'm thinking about sheep. I look at pictures like this and I see Jesus carrying me while all of you follow along.In reality, the lamb he carries is each one of us. It represents you and you and you. I collect sheep because they remind me that I am his and also that he became a sacrificial lamb for me. I collect them because I identify with everything I've ever read about them and their behavior. I collect sheep because they look soft and cuddly and they're really not. They're dirty and dumb and they have to be led or they'll most likely do somthing completely stupid and end up dead. You see, I can relate to that. The part of this picture I love so much is the Shepherd. He is the saving grace in the life of a sheep.
I have a bobble head sheep on my dashboard named Baaahb (much to my husband’s chagrin). That particular sheep in my collection has a great story. I was in Fredericksburg shopping once with some friends and I found this little bobble head sheep. It was the last one in stock – but its head didn’t bobble anymore. I thought and thought about buying it but it was broken, so I didn’t. (Now I wish I had.) The day after we got home my friend, Tracy, called and asked me to meet her for lunch. When I got there she told me she had a gift for me. I opened up the bag and in it was a sheep exactly like the sheep I’d seen in Fredericksburg two days before. I could not believe it. This sheep represents God reaching out and loving me, meeting me where I am, carrying me in his arms. This is how he transforms me through his love and attention into the person he wants me to be. How can I ignore that plea? I couldn’t. So, the bobble head sheep has a place of distinction on the dashboard of my car as an ever-present reminder of the love of my Shepherd. (I hate to break it to Geoff but if we ever get a new car Baaahb goes with me.)
Did I mention the big ol' boys I drive nearly every day love my sheep, too? Baaahb literally bobs his head to the music we listen to - whatever music it is, he's in time. It's the most amazing thing.
"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." Romans 12:2 – The Message
I have never really thought about sheep that much, but you are absolutely right.
I really like the name of the sheep in your car!!
Is Baahb's favourite song "Barbara Ann"??? Baa baa baa, baa barbara Ann..
Great text.. God brings the best out of you! (sometimes it's painful getting the best out of me :S)
nonono candy..yes, you can be the little girl on Jesus' lap but you can't be the sheep too..I'm the sheep...thanks for taking the boys..Sam called me and was swinging something by and I started crying and he just took my in his arms and said.."Oh Mom, I love you." I'll miss him this weekend but I'll get stuff done...I pray they have a wonderful time together.
I love that message translation of that scripture.."fix your attention on God.."..so true boy do I have major crashes when I take my eyes off Him..
I look forward to a summer with lots of time with you, my friend..
jeans - thanks for the comment. it is a good name, isn't it?
gracie - ha! you wouldn't believe how often that song is sung when people find out Baaahb's name! and yes, God does bring out the best in me, though it's not always painfree. thanks for noticing.
beverly - haven't you figured out yet that i am always the one in His arms - little girl, sheep, cracked clay pot - you name it, if He's holding it, it's me. but it's YOU TOO! that's the beauty of His love...we're all His favorites. can't wait to see more of you too. lots more. we have many poems to read together.
Candy, your writing about your faith journey continues to bless me and so many others. You ARE writing your book!
Thanks for turning our eyes back to our Gentle Shepherd, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the Lord.
Another sheep in need of Christ,
thats not to baaaaaad.
Fredericsburg Virginia? That place has a scary history.
I'm ba'a'a'a'ack.
I love how Christ is given in the imagery of both the shepher AND the sheep. He's not only our guide, but he became one of us too.
Great post.
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