Friday, April 20, 2007

Tulip Update!

It's a miracle! Surely it's not just a fluke of nature. Surely God is speaking to me through these amazing little plants. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. But I digress...What I want to show you is this!

and this:

There are 5 of them! I'll keep you posted on their development. I'm sure you're all anxiously awaiting blooming news.

These guys are back:

Also, Molly went to the beauty shop and she is gorgeous and she knows it!

I love Springtime and how everything seems so fresh and new. Yesterday I spent the day in the garden planting (translated: digging in the dirt). Now some of you might think of vegetables when you think garden. I only think of flowers. I am my father's daughter. He grew up in a family that truck farmed. They grew their own veggies and trucked them in to Boston to the Farmer's Market to sell them. But my dad was only interested in planting flowers. So, as the story goes, his mother let him plant his flowers. This really stirred up the other kids who were busy in the vegetable garden. They always thought he was the favorite. I'll tell you some stories about him sometime. He is a fascinating guy. Spoiled rotten, but fascinating.

Have a great and glorious weekend!


Katie said...

Wow!!! That's amazing! Keep us posted!!

Kara said...

he is a master letter-writer. such an encourager!

i love flowers. i don't have much of a green thumb, but sometimes it's better to enjoy other people's gifts! (like tulips..and pools..)

Terah said...

"Praise the Lord!" He is indeed fascinating! I'm so happy your flowers bloomed....

Jordan said...

aww i love molly :)

Susan said...

I'm sure you'll soon be telling us they are blooming.

March 28, 2007 8:04 AM

Lucas said...

Look at Molly's short hair! She's so pretty!

Sarah said...

Molly looks beautiful and I am excited about your bulbs!

Anonymous said...

Spring is God's paintbrush gone wildly happy!

Dina said...

pretty flowers....but THAT DOG!!! Molly is BEAUTIFUL!!!! she looks like such a "good" dog too. Enjoy your weekend, and spoil that pretty dog!

Brooklyn said...

I LOVE when you post pics!!! I promise as soo as I figure out how to log into my blogger account to give you an update too - if not ...maybe email you!!! I miss you sweet girl

Candy said...

Once again I've been having trouble getting logged on to post. I'm not wild about the new blogger. I could walk upstairs and do it but none of my photos are on that computer and I like to post with pictures. Oh well. Soon, very soon.