This week I've been obsessing over John 2. I'm teaching from that text in the high school class tomorrow. I love that you can read these stories over and over and then bam! something new hits you and you're amazed all over again. The two stories in John 2 are Jesus turning the water into wine and when he clears out the temple-the first time. Did you know he did this twice? It's true.
So, basically I get to talk about miracles and glory and zeal and righteous anger - among other things. I couldn't have handpicked a text I would rather teach. God is so good. Now these are some things I can get into. Let me just say, we do this passage a huge disservice when we try to make it about alcohol. (My mother still claims it was grape juice and not wine.)
I love that the definition of glory in Webster's talks about splendor, beauty, magnificence, the bliss of heaven and light. When you consider that we carry Jesus and his glory around in our hearts it occurs to me that we should be exuding all these things wherever we are. I want to challenge myself and a roomful of teens to think about that. Think about how when we enter a room we bring his glory in with us. I don't know but I just think that should change the atmosphere in the room and if it's not, then something is wrong.
When you think about our bodies being his temple, I begin to wonder if there are some things he'd like to clear out of this temple in order to have more room for worship. Of course there are. So, that's been my focus this week. I have thoroughly enjoyed preparing for this class and I'm really excited to see what God is going to do tomorrow morning.
I'm sending them out with Isaiah 60:1:
"Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."

One of the ministers at my church here in Oxford frequently talks about being "glory carriers" and "atmosphere changers." And we are! I can't wait to hear about how it went, Candy. I know you were a blessing to those kids. I love you!
Hi Candy! I've finally made it over your way, in this crippled temple of mine. I find your link of our bodies being the temple fascinating with the "What would Jesus clear out?" question. We need to think about physical fitness as a spiritual exercise as much as a physical one - even when events relating to our bodies are not always in our control.
I have always liked the "and thus God revealed his glory" line about making good wine. Feels a bit like permission. But I think you are right, that our presence, with Jesus in us, should be felt in the "party."
What great thoughts.
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