Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

What's so "good" about the day Jesus was crucified? I mean all that pain and sorrow, stripped, naked, beaten beyond recognition, a crown of thorns, a spear to his side, a spongeful of vinegar on a stick, weeping women, guilt-ridden friends, tauntings, gambling at his feet, and separation. And all that doesn't even come close to grasping the reality of it. Good, an interesting word to use to describe that day.

But there was good. There was grace and forgiveness and pure, true love. There was belief born in the Centurion and compassion shown for a mother. And there was Power. An earthquake. Darkness. A curtain torn in half.

I think we got it wrong. Good Friday is not nearly good enough. Magnificent Friday. That's more like it. It was an amazing day in history. The day my savior died for me.

1 comment:

Katie said...

It was an amazing day - magnificent, indeed. Though in another sense I think "good" says it all. Good is the simple antithesis of evil. This Friday was a day where Good triumphed, even if evil thought it had won the victory.

Love you, Candy. He is risen!