Thursday, April 21, 2011

If Inanimate Objects Could Talk

Today is Maundy Thursday, the day Jesus and His disciples celebrated Passover.  So many significant things happened in the Upper Room that day.  Celebrating Passover itself was significant and to that Jesus added the New Wine of Communion.  The words Jesus spoke over them that day predicting His betrayal and death, comforting them, promising them The One to come - Holy Spirit, praying for himself, and for them, and for us His prayer for Unity were very compelling.  He spoke about joy and peace and comfort.  He loved the one who would betray Him and He loved the one who would deny Him.  And He washed their feet.

Jesus and the disciples were in the room that evening along with many inanimate objects.  We sometimes say, "If these walls could talk, the stories they could tell."   For some reason today I'm thinking about the towel that Jesus used to dry the disciple's feet.  If that towel could talk, what would it say?

"Me?  You chose me to help you serve these men, the ones you just said would betray you and deny you?  Well at least you used me after you had washed the dirt off of them so they were at least physically clean before you brought me into this. But wait, what is that?  What is it that coming through Your hands as you ever so gently lift each foot and caress it until it is dry?  I've never experienced that before.  Thrilling.  Stirring.  Stimulating.  Can you please tell me what is happening here?  I've never felt so alive and so free or so much - is that joy?  And love?  I think that's what love must feel like - some form of energy and power that threatens to overwhelm me and, well, make me more than what I am.  I am actually beginning to love these feet.  But I can't do that.  I can't love.  Oh, but You can.  And You can use me to show Your love.  It's all becoming much clearer now.  I am a towel.  I am nothing but a piece of cloth You chose to show Your immense love to these undeserving, unlovable, dirty and in need of washing... beautiful... feet.  You chose me to not only receive Your love and comfort and joy and peace but to pass it on to those You choose for me to come into contact with.  Some would say I am now a "soiled" towel and I would have to answer that I am all the better for it - softer, exhausted and full of joy."

Who knows.  If towels could talk...

When I allow Jesus to use me this is how I feel.  Spent and loved and joyful and full of peace.  Today I want to be His towel.

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