Monday, April 18, 2011

Palm Sunday Thoughts on Monday

Easter is coming. Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey colt.  I would like to have been that donkey.  I like to think she was aware of the task she was completing - the prophesy being fulfilled by this simple act of obedience.  An obedient donkey.  That goes against everything we know about donkeys.  And a colt at that.  Did she think the load she carried was too much for her?  Or did she gladly cooperate knowing the great importance of the task?  Her obedience makes me think she knew Who Jesus was and how much He loved her and trusted her to do her part in this story that would change everything.  The disciples didn't get it that day.  It was only after Jesus was crucified that they began to put it all together and realize the prophecies that had been fulfilled in the One they loved.  In a lot of ways they were donkeys themselves.  We all are.

There's so much more I want to know about that donkey colt.  I think I may relate to her at some level.  In my mind and heart I am at times as stubborn as a cliche' donkey but when I become the donkey Jesus rode in on and fully cooperate with His agenda and His will, He is glorified as King!  I love this little donkey.  It's a good thing I already have a sheep tattoo because if I didn't I may have had to get a donkey one.  And that would cause all kinds of trouble.  Apparently God uses animals to speak to my heart.  I love that.  I love Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That last paragraph made me laugh :-) I love God's sense of humor. I really like this blog and I love that God speaks to you through farm animals. So sweet. When I think of farm animals I think of peace and an instinctive "knowing" that they are always provided for, they will never go hungry, never go without love, never go without room to run and play. I think that's the same thing God promises us. How fun! I get so excited when I hear that you've posted a new blog!! Keep writing Candy!

Oh on a different note, I was hanging out with the Wiggins girls this evening and I mentioned something about you and Holland immediatly said "oh!! does Candy like candy??!" I of course responded that DUH! she LIVES in Candyland! Holland asked if you were sweet like candy and I said "oh YES! very sweet!! Better than any candy you've ever had!" after that I was asked if i lick you... I said not too often ;-) haha! I love kid's minds. We concluded that you were Skittles because "you're sweet and colorful and have legs like M&M characters and M&M's look like skittles" (the legs were important) Haha!! Oh goodness... Just thought you may want to know about our dinner conversation!