Saturday, December 31, 2011


This is it.  My last blog post of 2011 - #29.  I did it!  It's been a blogging frenzy the last couple of weeks but hey, whatever it takes!

My word for 2011 was "29".  This number has meant a lot to me for years now.  I'm not sure why but God has used it over and over to give things meaning and to show me He's here.  I love that.  I wish I could remember exactly when it started, but to give it to me as my word for 2011 has been incredibly cool.  I love that about Him.  He knows exactly what will have meaning to each of us - individually.

Here are a couple of things I found as 2011 is coming to an end that I think are super cool:

29 Ways to Stay Creative - try it - it's really cool!

And then I learned this:

Yep!  It takes 29 toothpicks to spell out TWENTY NINE.   How cool is that?

Not only is 29 a fascinating number but it's a lot of fun!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Akea King said...

I have really enjoyed reading your material. Very inspirational!!! God has his hands all over your life. You have a fan in me. God bless you