Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's a New Day!

Well, I'm up.  It's quiet.  Why not blog?  Maybe I've formed a habit.  Who knows?  I figured this is as good a time as any to reveal my word for 2012, which is...

Several weeks ago I had a chat with God and told him it's about time to start asking for a word for 2012.  I immediately heard - "hope".  As simple as that.  I was kind of disappointed.  I wanted something exciting - like 29 or "wonder" or "miracle" or something amazing.  But everywhere I turned.  Everything I read.  Everything I heard was about hope.  Confirmation all over the place.  So, hope it is.  And I'm beginning to get excited about the prospect of hope.

From the dictionary:

hope |hōp|
nouna feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen • a person or thing that may help or save someone • grounds for believing that something good may happen 
And from the Thesaurus:  I had high hopesaspirationdesirewish,expectationambitionaimgoalplan,designdreamdaydreampipe dream.a life filled with hopehopefulness,optimismexpectationexpectancy;confidencefaithtrustbeliefconviction,assurancepromisepossibility.
Sounds like the makings of a great year to me!
So what's your word for 2012?  Have you asked for one yet?  Do it!  It's fun and fascinating.  And let me know.  Leave me a comment.  I'd love to hear what God has in store for you this year.  

1 comment:

Helen said...

Thankyou for this!
What a lovely simple yet profound post.
I'm going to wait until the children are in bed and I have a bit of quiet and then I'm going to think a lot about this!
In Christ