Wednesday, December 21, 2011

96 Years Ago Today

If my dad were still alive he would have been 96 today.  That is an amazing thought.  He died in April 2010.  He was 94.

Some of the things I learned from my dad:

Always expect a miracle.
God is love.
Love others because God loves you.
How Great Thou Art is not just a song - it's a way of life - Praise Him.
Embrace the beauty around you and whenever possible capture it on film.
Experience wonder.  It's all around you.
Sing loud even if you can't sing well.
Dance even if no one else feels like it.
Laugh until you cry - then laugh some more.
Read the Bible - it really is the bread of life.
Never let anyone get by you without knowing they are loved.
See people.  Really see people.  Use their names whenever possible, i.e. if they're wearing a nametag.
Give and receive forgiveness.
Write a letter every day - maybe 10 if you have time.
Remember birthdays.
Grow things.  Dig in the dirt.  Cultivate worms.
Play with squirrels.
Discover new truths - ask God to reveal Himself to you in fresh ways.
Recycle everything.
God always provides.  Trust Him.
Worry never solved anything.

Oh how I love this man.  I miss him today.

O Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds
Thy hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
How Great Thou Art
How Great Thou Art
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
How Great Thou Art
How Great Thou Art

1 comment:

Sarah Cornett said...

I love that song. And I miss getting his encouraging letters in the mail.