Saturday, February 18, 2006

Oh Yeah

One thing I forgot to mention (well, honestly I didn't forget to mention it, I just wanted you to know them before you knew this) about the church I referred to in my previous post. The way I came to their website was that I read about a banner they had made for their church. (Amy tells about it here.) It read, " If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. Luke 4:7" Unfortunately they overlooked the fact that that is a quote by satan when he was tempting Jesus in the desert. They have admitted their error and obviously redone their banner. I love that their website actually states: "Feeding our spiritual hunger helps reduce those, "I can't believe I'm so stupid" moments - but we'll never eliminate them all. That's why we need friends and companions and not judges (no offense to judges) for the journey."

This all reminds me of Romans 8:1, " Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..." It makes me think that though all the world shall laugh, He still loves us. None of us is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all need His unconditional love. It's the only thing we can really truly count on.


Beverly said...

I don't understand that..the no condemnation..that's just too big for me to grasp..I really hope its true..

Clint said...

Satan is the great accuser but let me tell you I do a pretty good gob on my self. I just got back from Sing Song and heard one of the host sing Indescribable, instant peace. If I can only keep my eyes on Jesus.

Scott said...

Now THAT'S funny.

I've heard lots of teachers cite passages in the OT from antagonists as authority. One of the worst was a theologian who cited a passage about God spoken by Bildad. Bildad had to make sacrifices (well, Job had to make it for him) for speaking wrongly of God!!!

But then, I make mistakes like that every Sunday - whether people catch 'em or not, I make little errors that I catch later.

Scott said...

I should rephrase that. I also make HUGE errors too. Point being, I probably shouldn't cast stones.

Brady said...

Rm 8.1. One of my favorite verses by far.

That and Lk 4.7.

English Professor said...

I find that very funny--sorry. Sounds like one of those wee-hours-of-the-morning preachers.