Who doesn't love candy corn? I love the stuff but the only time I ever eat it is around Halloween. It's an autumn candy, I guess. I hadn't had any yet this year and yesterday as I putzed around the house doing laundry and general household chores I was lamenting the fact that there was no candy corn around and that I needed to get some. (I actually had this conversation in my head. Scary, I know.) About 3:30 or so I went out to get the mail and found a package. It was a book I had ordered from Real Live Preacher a couple of weeks ago. I've wanted this book for some time but when I read that he was signing them and placing a surprise in each copy I thought that sounded really fun, so I ordered one.
When I opened the package there was an obvious bulge in the book. You guessed it. A package of candy corn. Isn't God fun? What made it even more special is that it was stuck in on page 29. I think I've blogged about that number before. There is something going on with me and that number. I suspect someday I'll know it's significance. Maybe not. For now I all I know is it's everywhere. Our phone number ends in 2929. My last address was 2949. It was on my last license plates - I was sorry to see them go. It just keeps creeping up. Oh! And he also placed some dried plumbago from his backyard on page 59. For those who don't know that's a purple flower. Flowers, candy corn and 29. I love it.
I know you may think I'm crazy to think God had anything to do with Gordon sending me candy corn on page 29 of my book, and I'm okay with that. But I choose to see it that way and the funny thing is - so does my family. My boys love that I get this stuff. They think it's crazy how it always happens to me. They even guessed the page number before I could tell them.
All this to say, over and over again, that I think God sees us, individually and personally. He cares about us and wants us to know it. Maybe He knows I need it more than the average busy human. Maybe He just enjoys how I notice it when He notices me. Maybe He knows I'll share it with you and maybe it will help you see things a little differently than you did before. I don't know. All I do know is that I am feeling pretty loved right now and not a little bit delighted all because of some candy corn and a number. It just doesn't take much these days.
I'm with you on this one, Candy. God is so amazing and does neat little things all the time, if we only open our eyes and see!!!
Serendipitous moments... how thoughtful of RLP to put surprises in the book! I love plumbago flowers... btw we have candy corn here called "Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs"!!!
You're just as sweet :)
pt - so true - so true!
gracie - Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs?? I HAVE GOT TO COME TO AUSTRALIA!
"...I was lamenting the fact that there was no candy corn around and that I needed to get some. (I actually had this conversation in my head. Scary, I know.)"
Can you please explain why that's scary?
I'm with Jason. Aren't having conversations in your head normal??
woops.. is that a picture of candy corn??? in that case, I've never seen it in my life!!! Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs are actually caramel/toffee coated popped corn. Come and get some anytime :)
jason and vonnie - you have no idea how much better I feel knowing this is normal. thanks you two.
gracie - Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs still sound fantastic and I still want some! But yes, this is candy corn.
The thing about candy corn is that it is impossible to just eat a few. Impossible.
The little pumpkins are my favorite. I'm not a big fan of the ones with the chocolate bottom.
And, so glad to have confirmation that having conversations in your head is normal because I spend a large amount of time doing so--
Candy, this is a great post. Honestly, I don't really think of God doing little things for me very much; it's not that I can't believe He does or will, but I tend to think this kind of thing happens to other people (like the number). I think it is really great that your family loves that you are in tune to God in this way.
I do think of Him as being the one to offer me peace and reassurance (per se), and very often this happens during the those conversations I have in my head.
Maybe I am one of those who will start noticing things differently :)
laurie - You are precious and you're one of the reasons I keep writing here. I love the pumpkin ones too and I agree the chocolate bottom ones are not my favorite.
While it is true that my experience is not the authority or standard, I personally believe that if you go searching for rainbows you will find them. I used to have this 'special thing' with the number 143 - time proved that this was nothing to do with God. Now when I see that number (which happens to be quite often) I just enjoy an internal laugh with myself.
I love this, Candy! Thanks for sharing. I'm always glad to pop over and see what God's been showing you lately. (And I was so excited to discover that they do, in fact, have candy corn in England!)
I love you. And I miss you.
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