Yesterday one of the women shared something she had heard. It goes something like this. "Anytime we decree something there will be a time of testing to determine if you really believe what you are decreeing." Are we just talking or do we really believe this stuff? Fascinating in light of my previous post. Like I said, I had just posted about how much God loves us and then I go hear this. It didn't register right away, what I had done. In retrospect I can see it. I had opened myself up to a time of testing. And boy did I get tested.
Our hostess calls on us to share so there is some semblance of order. Twelve women all wanting to talk can get disorderly, let me just say. I know I have issues with invisibility or visibility - I'm not sure which. I need to work on that. Where I'm going with this is here - yesterday at lunch, around the table, sharing our weeks - I was never called on. I felt invisible. Everyone else shared. I waited. Nothing. People got up to leave. I just sat there a minute. I helped clean up. I never said a word about it. I know it was not intentional.
What happened next is the really interesting part. I began to let it get to me. On my way home I started feeling sorry for myself. I began to get a little angry. I began to get cranky. I didn't even see it until later on in the afternoon when my husband noticed my attitude because it was affecting his own. That's when I began to put it all together.
Now I'm not blaming God because He is all good and loving and awesome. But He can be tricky, too. He does allow us to be tested. He allows us to be put through the fire and refined. I would like to say I passed the test with flying colors. I didn't. I didn't even recognize the test until I had nearly completely failed it. But I believe God stepped in and allowed me to recognize what was going on. I started thinking about the rainbows and how much God loves me. So if that was true, why was I feeling so unloved? Absurd!!! Did my being loved really center around that table with those women? Does it center around my own family loving me unconditionally all the time? Does it center around my feelings at all? Oh man, if it does I am in deep trouble and I am on sinking sand. No. I am loved. It's a simple yet profound fact. There is no denying it. In my heart I know. In my head I know. I just don't always act like I know. That's what I want to change. I'm so glad I wasn't around anyone who could have been swayed by my lame and human self yesterday afternoon (other than poor ol' Geoff - who really does love me unconditionally most of the time). It's a good thing I stayed in until I figured it out. I'm still figuring it out. But I know I'm on the right track. I'm being refined and for that I am very grateful.
There used to be a little Candy who stood out on the edges of life. Slowly she's coming into the fold. Next Monday I'll share with my friends all the good God is doing in my life. It won't be easy for me but I think I may take this picture and talk about how I felt last week and how I feel now and how it's not really about how I feel at all but I'd like to think it is sometimes. And I'll tell them how much I love each and every one of them. But the only way any of that can happen is because I know I am so loved.

WOW!! what a great post and very appropriate to how I;m doing too!! I had the same thing happen to me last night and my attitude RAN with it. Thank GOD for me AND people who are connected to me that I "know" GOD. I too failed, but not completely...I snapped back into the word of God and stopped right on my tracks and prayed. Worked like a charm. Recogniton is long as you reconize whats going on with you, you look at the "big Picture" and think this is lame AND insignificant!!!
Thanks for that post!! sorry about my spelling.
I think you are speaking for many of us on this post!!!!
Thank you for such an honest and thoughtful post, Candy. You are absolutely speaking for me; I struggle often with these kinds of feelings, but I don't always have the insight you do here. I am thankful for women like you who are modeling Christ's love for me. Thanks for sharing.
You are amazing in so many ways. Thanks for being so "visible".
Thank you for sharing your inspiring conversation/prayers with God. How I wish you lived next door!
who knows what God is really up to..i am suspect when people proclaim they know but i do know that He loves me and he loves you Candy..and your right..that's the coolest..
Thank you for the insight into YOU... strangely I have the OPPOSITE problem and it makes me angry with myself too. I'm that person who ALWAYS speaks up and says her mind and is left feeling like I've annoyed everyone else who showed more restraint, then resolves to just shut my mouth next time (better to be thought a fool than to remove all doubt)... I'm always wishing I could be the one sitting quietly absorbing and appearing more intelligent!!! haha - so now you know what everyone else was REALLY thinking when you were silent! They were probably admiring your poise!! (see, now I've probably left the longest and most annoying comment - but at least you are laughing)
You're all precious. Aren't you glad we're in this thing together?
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