Friday, November 02, 2007


Over at Real Live Preacher he blogged about my experience with the candy corn and the number 29. That has sent a lot of traffic over here to this little place my stories call home. I see that some of those reporting back are skeptical and some are not. I thought it would be fun to just relate the one story that sent me reeling many years ago. The story that was the catalyst for my thinking God could have any interest in me whatsoever on a day to day basis. So, for those of you who have heard this story before, bear with me. For those who have not, I hope you come back here and read it. I know the one who needs to hear it will. Here it is, the magnet story.

Years ago I was at a real low point in my life. I was beginning to realize all the secrets I had kept close and buried deep for so long were coming to the surface and that there was going to be a time I would be required to talk about them. The only thing that would remove the regret I had harbored all those years was going to be using the past to help someone else. Seriously, I was freaking out.

One day my husband was out of town and I had looked up some self-help aids on the computer and had come across a little magnet that said simply, "Don't fear tomorrow. God is already there." It had a drawing on it of mountains, pine trees and a huge yellow star in the dark sky. That picture of that magnet really spoke to my heart. So much so that I left it up on the computer screen all day that day and every time I walked by it I was relieved all over again. That night I shut down the computer thinking, "ok, God, I get it."

The next day my husband came home from his trip. As he was unpacking he told me he'd gotten me something. I'm thinking it's another t-shirt. But he said to me, "I got you something a little different. I was in the gift shop at the hotel and I saw these magnets and I got one for you." I swear he pulled out a little tiny bag and handed it to me and right inside there was the exact same magnet I had found online the day before.

Now I don't know about you but I still get goosebumps when I tell that story. Think about all the millions of products in hotel gift shops around the world. Think of the zillions of products online. Now tell me that wasn't God wanting me to really get it - that He is in tomorrow. That there is no reason to fear. I had to stop and tell him, for real this time, "ok God I really do get it."

Ever since that day I have seen God differently. I see how he loves me personally, how he cares about me.

The amazing thing is that I tell my story now and I don't worry about repercussions, or what people will think. I trust that the right person will hear it and it will help them in their own lives to not fear. I used to live in fear - constant, debilitating, mind boggling fear. I don't anymore. Today I am free. So, it took a miracle magnet for me to get there. That was a no brainer for God.


Amy S. Grant said...

I love both of the stories in the last two posts! God does things like that so often. I wonder how many I miss when I'm too busy to see?

And I love the sentiment on the magnet. I needed to be reminded of that today. I'll laugh if God brings one of those magnets my way eventually. :)

Kara said...

what a cool story. i also love that in the last post about the number 29 you stated 'I love that my boys get this stuff'. i just wanted you to know that i refer to zach as one of my boys. : )

Kate said...

I love this story. Too many times we sell ourselves (and God) short by reasoning things away or calling them coincidences. But I love that in this case with the magnet, God just wouldn't let it go until you knew it was from him.

Dina said...

I've never read that before....I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! How could you NOT GET CHICKEN SKIN when you here that story??!?!!! I LOVE THAT STORY CANDY!! THANK YOU!!!

Lucas said...


I have started a bit of a spiritual journal (which I should have done LONG ago) and decided I was going to fill it with amazing stories of trials and tribulations and praise items for God. I know that some day, if a friend should come to the Lord, or should be seeking more about "Christianity," that I can give them this journal and let them read through my own journey. I know that, one day, the right person is going to ask me what I'm always writing about.

I'm going to print this story and put it in there. I know that you're right and that some day the right person will read it.

Barbara Palmer said...

This is a wonderful story, and I love the candy corn story, too. (And candy corn, once a year.)

What you said about fear really resonates with me -- also makes me feel a little ashamed, because I love God, like to say that I trust God, but I am still afraid- constant, debilitating mind-boggling, as you describe.

Can you say what changed that? How the wisdom of the magnet really stuck? (That's a bad pun, but I kind of like the metaphor.)

I am grateful to RLP for sending me your way!